모바일 메뉴 닫기
[02/07] Optical Design, Commissioning, and Performance of the James Webb Space Telescope
게시글 내용


<BK 지구천문대기 대학원, 천문우주학과, 은하진화연구센터 주최 세미나>

Title: Optical Design, Commissioning, and Performance of the James Webb Space Telescope

Speaker: 손상모 박사 (미국 STScI)

Date&Time: 2023-02-07, 10:30 AM ~ 12:00 PM

Location: 과학관 B103호 (Science Hall, B103)

Language: Korean



Launched on December 25, 2021, JWST has been obtaining data to (once again) transform our knowledge about the Universe since its successful completion of commissioning in July 2022. In this talk, I will present an overview of the telescope requirements, architecture, commissioning process, and on-orbit performance of the JWST. As a JWST Telescope Scientist who actively participated in the OTE (Optical Telescope Elements) Commissioning, I will also provide an insider's view of the experience during and after the commissioning. Finally, I will highlight a few results that demonstrate how the JWST is being used to enable breakthroughs in astrophysics and planetary science.

손상모 박사