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The Impact of Positive AGN Feedback on the Properties of Galaxies in a Semianalytic Model of Galaxy Formation
게시글 내용

The Impact of Positive AGN Feedback on the Properties of Galaxies in a Semianalytic Model of Galaxy Formation

Contini, Emanuele ;  Yi, Sukyoung K. ;  Jeon, Seyoung ;  Rhee, Jinsu

 We introduce the state-of-the-art semianalytic model Formation and Evolution of GAlaxies (FEGA), which incorporates updated prescriptions for key physical processes in galaxy formation. Notably, FEGA features an unprecedented semianalytic modeling of positive active galactic nucleus (AGN) feedback. The model combines the latest prescriptions for gas infall and cooling, a revised star formation recipe that incorporates the extended Kennicutt–Schmidt relation, disk instability, updated supernova feedback, reincorporation of ejected gas, hot gas stripping from satellite galaxies, and the formation of diffuse light. A novel description of AGN feedback is introduced, describing the positive mode as a burst of star formation from a cooling gas fraction. FEGA is rigorously calibrated using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo procedure to match the evolution of the stellar mass function from high redshift to the present. Subsequently, the model is tested against several observed and predicted scaling relations, including the star formation rate (SFR)–mass, black hole–bulge and stellar mass, stellar-to-halo mass, and red fraction–mass relations. Additionally, we test FEGA against other galaxy properties, such as the distribution of specific SFRs, stellar metallicity, and morphology. Our results demonstrate that the inclusion of positive AGN feedback can coexist with its negative counterpart without drastic alterations to other prescriptions. Importantly, this inclusion improves the ability of the model to describe the primary scaling relations observed in galaxies.


Emanuele Contini, Sukyoung K. Yi, Seyoung Jeon, Jinsu Rhee