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AGN-driven outflows and the formation of Lyα nebulae around high-z quasars
게시글 내용

AGN-driven outflows and the formation of Lyα nebulae around high-z quasars

Tiago Costa, Fabrizio Arrigoni Battaia, Emanuele P. Farina, Laura C. Keating, Joakim Rosdahl, Taysun Kimm

The detection of Lyα nebulae around z6 quasars provides evidence for extended gas reservoirs around the first rapidly growing supermassive black holes. Observations of z>6 quasars can be explained by cosmological models provided that the black holes by which they are powered evolve in rare, massive dark matter haloes. Whether these theoretical models also explain the observed extended Lyα emission remains an open question. We post-process a suite of cosmological, radiation-hydrodynamic simulations targeting a quasar host halo at z>6 with the Lyα radiative transfer code RASCAS. A combination of recombination radiation from photo-ionised hydrogen and emission from collisionally excited gas powers Lyα nebulae with a surface brightness profile in close agreement with observations. We also find that, even on its own, resonant scattering of the Lyα line associated to the quasar's broad line region can also generate Lyα emission on 100kpc scales, resulting in comparable agreement with observed surface brightness profiles. Even if powered by a broad quasar Lyα line, Lyα nebulae can have narrow line-widths 1000kms1, consistent with observational constraints. Even if there is no quasar, we find that halo gas cooling produces a faint, extended Lyα glow. However, to light-up extended Lyα nebulae with properties in line with observations, our simulations unambiguously require quasar-powered outflows to clear out the galactic nucleus and allow the Lyα flux to escape and still remain resonant with halo gas. The close match between observations and simulations with quasar outflows suggests that AGN feedback already operates before z=6 and confirms that high-z quasars reside in massive haloes tracing overdensities.


Taysun Kimm