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[5/28] Seminar (Prof. Hee-Jong Seo): Reconstructing the primordial universe from galaxy surveys
게시글 내용

Title: Reconstructing the primordial universe from galaxy surveys

Speaker: Prof. Hee-Jong Seo (Ohio State Univ.)

Date & Time: Friday, May 28th, 2021, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Location: Online

( https://zoom.us/j/98891379250?pwd=QkZ6M1QrTXlna3F2U09ybGdoeFdyQT09 , It will open at 10:30)


The observable Universe today contains ample information on the underlying, fundamental physics behind the formation and the evolution of our Universe. Some challenges are faced in extracting the cosmological information due to the nonlinear structure growth and the observational systematics, particularly for upcoming surveys that will conduct cosmological tests at an unprecedented precision. In my talk, I will present the ongoing work of my group that focuses on two aspects of reconstructing primordial cosmological information from the late time galaxy clustering. One is reconstructing the primordial clustering information from the nonlinear growth and the other is reconstructing the primordial information from observational systematics, by better mitigating the systematic effects using a Deep-Learning based method. 

Hee-Jong Seo