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[6/11] Seminar (Dr. Jihye Shin): Numerical studies using a galaxy replacement technique (GRT)
게시글 내용

제목: Numerical studies using a galaxy replacement technique (GRT) to trace low-surface brightness features around a galaxy cluster

연사: 신지혜 박사님 (천문연구원)

날짜 & 시간: 2021년 6월 11일 금요일, 14:00 - 15:30

발표언어: 한국어

Location: Online

( https://zoom.us/j/98891379250?pwd=QkZ6M1QrTXlna3F2U09ybGdoeFdyQT09 , It will open at 13:30 )


I'll introduce three different on-going projects using numerical simulations in order to better understand galaxy clusters. First, to understand how galaxies trace dark matter distribution in and around the galaxy clusters, which are in non-linear regime, I quantitatively compared global spatial distribution of the dark matter not only with that of the galaxies but also with that of the gases and the intra-cluster stars using the IllustrisTNG simulation. Second, to model tidal stripping of galaxies with a very high resolution in a fully cosmological context, my colleagues and I invented the Galaxy Replacement Technique (GRT) that is very efficient and fast. The high resolution allows us to accurately resolve the tidal stripping process and well describe the formation of ultra-low surface brightness features in the galaxy cluster (μV < 32 mag/arcsec^2) such as the intra-cluster light, shells and tidal streams. Last, using a particle tagging method combined within a cosmological N-body simulation, I investigated various globular cluster formation scenarios to trace the most promising scenario matching with observations in a cluster environment.

Jihye Shin