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[03/10] Probes of Dark Matter based on Astrophysical Data
게시글 내용


Title: Probes of Dark Matter based on Astrophysical Data

Speaker: Prof. James Jee (Yonsei University, Professor)

Date&Time: 2023-03-10, 11:00 AM

Location: 과학관 B102 (Science Hall, B102)

Language: English


One of the most outstanding issues of modern physics is the unknown nature of dark matter, which comprises ~25% of the total energy budget of our universe. Despite relentless experimental efforts on earth, no lab has been made. Currently, astrophysical and cosmological observations provide the only robust, empirical measurements of dark matter. After briefly reviewing a community endeavor using astrophysical data to probe the nature of dark matter, I will introduce our YOUNG (Yonsei Observable UNiverse Group) efforts to measure dark matter self-interaction using merging clusters. Merging clusters are nature's gift and serve as cosmic particle accelerators, which enable high-energy experiments impossible on earth. Time permitting, I will also explain our intracluster light study recently featured on Nature. Intracluster light comes from homeless stars only bound to galaxy clusters, which may become visible tracers of dark matter.

Prof. James Jee